Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Hotel Toblerone

The Marzipan Lounge...the hot new spot for all who love eating marzipan while lounging. And aren't there tens of us? We are located inside the Hotel Toblerone. If you are in need of libation and sparkling conversation The Toblerone is the place for you. In other words you should consider yourself lucky we let you in the damn place to begin with. Its like Danceteria in the 80's but like now. So really its not. But if it was, it would be. Feel free to add and or detract from this happenin' place. If you are not so inclined then get to steppin'. Personally I recommend The Tequila Mockingbird if you are in need of a whistle wetting. Have fun at your own risk. Don't say you haven't been warned